Hello everyone!
Hello everyone!
Whelp, here we are. A full four years after my last post, which just so happened to be about Donald Trump, who is the subject of this my first post in four years and the first of this crazy-ass 2020. Admittedly, the last DT post was made around the 2016 election, an old story I had written, and I posted it just because of the fact that he was such a controversial figure in the news at the time.
Little did I know, I would become intrigued by the man after watching the Mainstream media attack him incessantly. In the beginning of all of this, I really didn't see any reason to see him as anything other than a typical, sold-old, elitist.
Three years later, three years of watching the mainstream media call him everything from "unhinged" to the "most egregious criminal of our time" made me take a deeper look, because as anyone who has followed this blog at all knows, the I have zero trust in the mainstream media, who seems to have switched their focus from being complicit in reporting false flag terror attacks as real, to being an outright mouthpiece for the deep state and now doing everything in their power to pull off a stolen election.
Since I have been home for the most part since March, I have had a chance to really dig deep, fight the google algorithms and really starts to uncover some information about the last four years that is beyond disturbing. Most of this has been hidden from us for years now as the algorithms have done everything to obstruct the average citizen who is aiming to find the truth.
I have been caught up in selling/business and raising children for the last few years and the blog has gone by the wayside. I've actually built quite a following on facebook and this is where I have spent the majority of my time as an activist over the past few years. I am sick of the censorship, however, and I have decided, as a result, to come back to this platform to expose whatever I can.
I 1000% believe in synchronicity. A woman who randomly bought an orgonite from me on etsy and became my friend on facebook, posted this video at the beginning of the first shutdown and it spoke to me sooo deeply. I have held onto the message since then. This woman has legit bee m lnk to sanity since March. I invite you to watch some of her analysis.
Watching the MSM with their incessant spin. CBS Live reporting There is already a lawsuit that was seen in the commonwealth court and they ruled in favor of the Trump Campaign. So even
Massive "update" in software the day before the election led to the polls being shut down and voting times extended.
Australian news take on massive manipulation in American Election https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-tKILFlFgA