This is the beginning of the Makaha Mommy reference Library. Here are links to a number of full-length PDF book files that I have saved onto my Google Docs drive. Simply click on the link below to see the book and then save to your own disc if you wish. I have found all of these extremely helpful in my research. Good Luck.
Formula to Create A Total Undetectable Mind Controlled Slave: Fritz Springmeier
Curse of Canaan: Eustace Mullins
Everything is Under Control: Conspiracies, Cults and Cover-ups. Robert Anton Wilson
The Book Of Enoch
The Secret Teachings of All Ages: Manly P. Hall
Murder By Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America
None Dare Call it Conspiracy: Gary Allen
Born In Blood: History of the Star of David
Obama's Hidden Use of Hypnotic Techniques
The Handbook for Spiritual Warfare