Hello again to all of the people who are NOT reading this blog lol. I really have no rhyme or reason anymore. This was to be my ultimate masterpiece, a place where I pick apart all of the major conspiracies, one by one, and I have done a lot of that, but things are changing in my life and so is my focus. I am mainly posting here because I am so so so sick of facebook and being hated on by the drones who populate that site, so here's a lil update:
Made some MAJOR MAJOR progress yesterday with the #greatpurgeof2021, like so much that I could barely sleep with all of the new and cleansed energy that was swirling around me last night. Woke up feeling completely different and lighter this morning.
For those of you who have been here and know what this place has been looking like, I can now walk freely through the yard, patio area, my room, and living room. There are so FEW piles compared to even a month ago and most of them are organized with tupperwares waiting for them. The LAST hotspot (besides my under-cabinet area in the kitchen, which has already been gone over several times and will be quick and easy for the final organize) is the outside "dry storage" area.
I am through the giant laundry pile. I have cleared out all of the trash, a bunch of broken and unwanted stuff, and donated more bags and boxes than I can possibly keep track of.
Though I have yet to get an actual video up on Youtube, I have been documenting ALL of this. I have been slowly getting Jojo involved in both the cleaning/organizing and filming and things are really getting somewhere!! I would say I have 5-6 hours of footage as I have filled up two memory cards so far. We are kinda stuck ATM with no memory and I am still not too learned on the editing software.
I am ordering more memory cards, but since Jojo wants to learn Davinci and make his own vids (but his computer is not powerful enough--I forgot to tell ya'll I took that POS cheapie back and got myself the new MAC MINI) I am planning to learn Davinci along with him and hopefully (fingers crossed) get him started editing my stuff lol
The funny thing is, as I have said all along, when I finally get to the point where I actually can handle living here, something will change and I'll be able to move out. I feel like this whole thing with this tiny house and having to sort through all of this shit is a lot of my unresolved shit making a presence in this part of my life. Like if I don't deal with it (and beat it) once and for all, I will not hit the next level.
What do you know, in the middle of all of this craziness, a letter arrived from sec 8 saying that we have an inspection coming up in Aug. I am not too sure this place can even pass this inspection, and if my landlord has any hope of making it happen, she will have to put A LOT of work into this house.
Either way, I WIN. LOL.
No matter what, the lease is up on Jan 21 of next year and I can take my sec 8 and move somewhere better.