Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Murder of Bob Marley: "Rasta Don't Work for No CIA"

  Life and Jah are one in the same. Jah is the gift of existence. I am in some way eternal, I will never be duplicated. The singularity of every man and woman is Jah's gift. What we struggle to make of it is our sole gift to Jah. The process of what that struggle becomes, in time, the Truth. (Bob Marley)

I have had a love affair with Bob Marley's music from the time I first discovered it around the age of fifteen.  From that point on, I've listened to Bob more than any other artist.  I didn't understand his music when I was a kid, like I do now.  Now that I have "awakened" so to speak, I find his music more soothing than ever. I have found a new appreciation for his music, for it truly is a collection of "Songs of Freedom." Marley believed that all people are born with unalienable rights, and if they are not given to us by our governments, we should fight for them. So much of who I am today has to do with listening to Bob's music. Though he called it the, “Babylon System,” or “vampire,” Bob was speaking of, and exposing, the Illuminati. The message in his music implores us to think critically about the world around us, and not let those in charge have control over our minds, In Redemption Songs, he implores us to, “emancipate yourselves from mental slavery.”

Not everyone is aware of how controversial Marley was during his time. Since his death, both his story and message have been watered down through the hype that surrounds his dread-locked, “stoner” image.   With the millions of album sales, and the glorification of his weed smoking (it was an important part of what Bob was about, but not the only thing), a big part of his essence is lost on the fans of today.

In Reggae and Caribbean Music, Dave Thompson writes,

Bob Marley ranks among both the most popular and the most misunderstood figures in modern culture ... That the machine has utterly emasculated Marley is beyond doubt. Gone from the public record is the ghetto kid who dreamed of Che Guevara and the Black Panthers, and pinned their posters up in the Wailers Soul Shack record store; who believed in freedom; and the fighting which it necessitated, and dressed the part on an early album sleeve; whose heroes were James Brown and Muhammad Ali; whose God was Ras Tafari and whose sacrament was marijuana.  Instead, the Bob Marley who surveys his kingdom today is smiling benevolence, a shining sun, a waving palm tree, and a string of hits which tumble out of polite radio like candy from a gumball machine. Of course it has assured his immortality. But it has also demeaned him beyond recognition. Bob Marley was worth far more.

Will the Real Bob Marley Please Stand Up?

Robert Nesta Marley was born in St. Ann's Parrish, Jamaica on February 6, 1945.  He was the child of a poor black working class woman, and a much older White man. 

In her book, "No Woman No Cry My Life With Bob Marley, Rita Marley writes:

"He was pretty handsome, I thought -- Robert Nesta Marley, Robbie to all of us then. Jamaicans would call him brown-skinned and Americans might say light-skinned. His father, Captain Norval Sinclair Marley,was an older white man, a native Jamaican who had retired from the British Army. Bob had much of his father's imprint; he was very half-black, half-white, with a high, round forehead, prominent cheekbones,and a long nose. His mother, Cedella "Ciddy" Malcolm, was seventeen when she met Norval. He was more than twice her age, and was then the superintendent for British-owned lands in the rural parish of St. Ann,where Ciddy lived. By the time she was nineteen, she'd been seduced by, married to, and then abandoned by Norval. The one time he saw his father, Bob used to say, the old man offered him a "Willy" penny (an old copper coin, thought of as a collector's item). Bob claimed he never saw Norval again."

Bob came of age during the 1960's when Jamaica first gained its independence.  In 1966, he traveled to America, to live with his mother in Delaware. Here he took a new name and a job in a factory, experiencing the life of a Black American first hand. He also watched as Black Americans fought back through the Civil Rights Movement. It was upon his return from America that Bob became a Rastafarian.

Most Famous Rasta in the World

The Influence that the Rastafarian philosophy had on Bob's music cannot be overstated. Marley is almost single handedly responsible for the proliferation of reggae music and Rasta all over the world. Today there are over 1 million practicing Rastafarians in the world, with the majority of them located in Jamaica where they make up 5%-10% of the total population. They believe that God was black and that black people today are actually related to the last tribes of Israel.  they believe in the Bible and Jesus Christ, but assert that Haile Selaisse, a dead Ethiopian Emperor, was the messiah, and Jesus come back to life.  They also believe that the Bible has been corrupted by the West or what they refer to as the Babylon System.  They also believe that the White Man's God is Satan.  (Hmmm...interesting)

Was Jesus Black? (Black Jesus Pt. 1)


Was Jesus Black? (Black Jesus Pt. 2)

Rastafarians are against
every kind of "ism" and are even bristled when their "way of life" (they do not call it a Religion, and believe that a person does not need to go to church to worship Jah) is referred to as Rastafarianism.  Aside from the growing of Dreadlocks, the sacrament of smoking marijuana is perhaps the single most well-know aspect of the Rastafari's beliefs. The Rastafarians believe that God put cannabis on the Earth for man to enjoy. They cite a number of bible verses to back this claim up:

Genesis 1:11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

Genesis 1:29 And God said behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Psalm 104:14 He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and the herb for the service of man.

According to some scholars, the etymology of the word "cannabis" and similar terms in all the languages of the Near East may be traced to the Hebrew "qaneh bosm" קנה-בשם, which is one of the herbs that God commanded Moses to include in his preparation of sacred anointing perfume in Exodus 30:23; the Hebrew term also appears in Isaiah 43:24; Jeremiah 6:20; Ezekiel 27:19; and Song of Songs 4:14. Deutero-canonical and canonical references to the patriarchs Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Moses "burning incense before the Lord" are also applied, and many Rastas today refer to cannabis by the term "ishence" — a slightly changed form of the English word incense. It is also said that cannabis was the first plant to grow on King Solomon's grave. (Source.)

Here, Bob explains his beliefs surrounding this controversial plant.  This gem is from an interview conducted in Philly in 1979 by framed famed death row inmate/journalist, Mumia Abu-Jamal.  You can find a full transcript here.

Mumia The significance of the herb, aka, the flower?
Bob Herb? herb is the healing of the nation, seen? Once you smoke herb, you all must think alike. Now if you thinking alike, dat mean we 'pon the same track. If we 'pon the same track, that mean we gonna unite. Some say 'don't smoke herb.' Dey don't want us to unite, right, so they say, 'don't smoke herb.' (laughter)...It's true! So you know, herb is the healing of the nation and people must get herb for dem use. Dem wanna smoke it, let 'em smoke it. Dem wanna boil it in tea, let 'em boil it in tea. If dem waan steam it, steam it, if dem gwanna eat a little, eat a little, but dem must det it! True true. Yea, mon, that is why I say, um, you have a lotta liquor store, and because dem know man must smoke, you have plenty cigarette, but dem no waan ya smoke herb, y'know? Because, as ya know, the alcohol kill ya, and herb build ya! Yea, herb make ya live.

I will cover this again later but here is a movie that talks about the ways in which the global criminalization of marijuana is very much about the suppression of people's freedom of speech as well as a number of industries that could be wiped out if hemp was every allowed to be a viable alternative.

The Union: (Full Length Documentary)

Regardless of how you feel about Rastafarian's specific beliefs, the underlying message of their "way of life" is love.  This is what drove Marley's music.  He identified with the struggles of the youth of the ghetto and wanted to let them know that there was hope.  This isn't much different from the reasons many African-Americans try to make it big in rap.  The only problem is that most of them "sell out" and change their message in the face of pressure and bribery from record companies.  Bob Marley never sold out. On top of this, he was wildly popular, and is, to this day, easily one of the most recognizable faces that music has ever produced.  As such, he was very dangerous to the establishment and thus drew the attention of the CIA.

"Rasta don't work for no CIA"

According to Reggae Archivist, Roger Steffans, "Marley was so important, that whether he could or not, he was perceived as being able to sway a national election.  He was without question the most popular person that Jamaica has produced, at least since Marcus Garvey, and was at the same time, a very fearful person to a lot of people"

This is from The House Of Dread website, 

Jamaica's high natural fertility rate, which because of the small size of the island produces a subsequently high rate of emigration, posed no small threat to other Western countries. In particular, the migration of Jamaica's sons and daughters to the cities of England, the United States, Canada and other predominantly-white countries threatens to overwhelm the current low birthrates of those country's dominant populations. To disregard the long-term consequences of this disparity in childbirths between whites and nonwhites is to perhaps miss the principal modern motivation for social engineering on such a grand scale...

The infectious sound of the cool reggae music combined with the enticement of "ganja" (marijuana) to produce a significant cultural influence on the sons and daughters of America's middle and upper classes; similar to the hippie movement, but more politically evolved. Particularly threatening was the effect on America's disenfranchised classes who reflected not only artistic and fashion styles of the Rastas, but increasingly adopted a militant posture influenced by the lyrics of artists such as U-Roy, Big Youth, Culture, the Mighty Diamonds, Burning Spear, Steele Pulse, Third World and the Wailers. (Source.) 

The Red Scare and Bob Marley in Jamaica

Following the "loss" of Cuba to Communism, in 1959, under Fidel Castro, the American government sought to control the proliferation of independent regimes throughout the Caribbean.  In 1962, Jamaica earned her independence from the British Monarchy.

The first decade of independence was a plentiful time as the economy grew approximately 6% per year. This bounty was not shared, however, and the urban poor became increasingly restless. 

This, combined with the effects of a slowdown in the global economy in 1970, prompted the electorate to change government, electing the PNP (People's National Party) in 1972. Despite efforts to create more socially equitable policies in education and health, Jamaica continued to lag economically, with its gross national product having fallen in 1980 to some 25% below the 1972 level.  (Source.) 

Michael Manley, of the PNP, became Prime Minister in 1972.  He formed a friendship with Fidel Castro, who he considered his main political influence, thus angering the Americans, and to some extent, his own people.  At this point, the Shadow American Government (CIA) began to actively harass the Jamaican people and their leader.  They used what most people educated on the activities of the CIA recognize as classic destabilization techniques; smuggling guns and hard drugs onto the small island.  They also funded the organization of dissident factions: ie paramilitary troops, or mercenaries, who were led by their boy, opposition leader, Edward Seaga.


Jamaica in the 1970's (part 1 of 3)

Jamaica in the 1970's (2 of 3)

From the description under the video:  After Michael Manley won a second election, the US stepped-up it's efforts to avoid "another Cuba." Political violence and unrest exploded in Jamaica resulting in many people losing their lives. This, coupled with the cutting of economic aid from the US put a severe strain on Manley's 'leftist' PNP government.

Though Bob was fiercely apolitical, like all Rastafarian's, he supported Manley's anti-imperialist agenda. Bob was well aware of the fact that the American's were attempting to sabotage Manley, the PNP, and Jamaica's poor Blacks. The fighting had reached such a state that by June 1976, the island was placed under martial law. The PNP asked Marley and the Wailers to perform at the Smile Jamaica concert in December, and despite the rising political mayhem, they agreed.

Rasta Don't Work for No CIA

Directly before the Smile Jamaica concert, there was an attempt on Marley's life.
As biographer Timothy White tells it, at about 9 PM, “the torpor of the quiet tropical night was interrupted by a queer noise that was not quite like a firecracker.” Marley was in the kitchen at the rear of the house eating a grapefruit when he heard the bursts of automatic gunfire. Don Taylor, Marley’s manager, had been talking to the musician when the bullets ripped through the back of his legs. The men were “peppering the house with a barrage of rifle and pistol fire, shattering windows and splintering plaster and woodwork on the first floor.” Rita Marley, trying to escape with her children and a reporter from the Jamaica Daily News, was shot by one of the men in the front yard. The bullet caught her in the head, lifting her off her feet as it burrowed between scalp and skull.

Meanwhile, a man with an automatic rifle had burst through the back door off the pantry, pushing past a fleeing Seeco Patterson, the Wailers’ percussionist, to aim beyond Don Taylor at Bob Marley. The gunman got off eight shots. One bullet struck a counter, another buried itself in the ceiling, and five tore into Taylor. He fell but remained conscious, with four bullets in his legs and one buried at the base of his spine. The last shot creased Marley’s breast below his heart and drilled deep into his arm.

The survival of the reggae singer and his entire entourage appeared to be the work of Rasta. “The firepower these guys apparently brought with them was immense,” Wailers publicist Jeff Walker recalls. “There were bullet holes everywhere. In the kitchen, the bathroom, the living room, floors, ceilings, doorways and outside.”

There has since been widespread belief that the CIA arranged the hit on Hope Road...

Only a handful of Marley’s most trusted comrades knew of the band’s whereabouts before the festival. Yet a member of the film crew, or so he claimed – reportedly, he didn’t have a camera – managed to talk his way past machete-bearing Rastas to enter the Hope Road encampment: one Carl Colby, son of the late CIA director William Colby.

While the band prepared for the concert, a gift was delivered, according to a witness at the enclave – a pair of boots for Bob Marley. Former Los Angeles cinematographer Lee Lew-Lee [his camera work can be seen in the Oscar-winning documentary The Panama Deception] was close friends with members of the Wailers, and he believes that Marley’s cancer can be traced to the boots: “He put his foot in and said, ‘Ow!’ A friend got in there… he said, ‘let’s [get] in the boot, and he pulled a length of copper wire out – it was embedded in the boot.”

Had the wire been treated chemically with a carcinogenic toxin? The appearance of Colby at Marley’s compound was certainly provocative...

Seventeen years after the Hope Road assault, Don Taylor published a memoir, Marley and Me, in which he alleges that a “senior CIA agent” had been planted among the crew as part of the plan to “assassinate” Marley. It’s possible that this lapse in security allowed Colby entrance to the compound. It’s clear that the CIA wanted Marley out of the picture. After the assassination attempt, a rumor circulated that the CIA was going to finish Marley off. The source of the rumor was the agency itself. The Wailers had set out on a world tour, and CIA agents informed Marley that should he return to Jamaica before the election, he would be murdered. 

CIA: Alphabet Agency Gone Mad

Just in case you have been under a rock, it is a well-known fact that the CIA has arranged a large number of strategic “hits” throughout the world. This has been rampant since the agency's inception. The “Company,” as they are called, are also responsible for propping up numerous murderous dictators, including the Taliban, Manuel Noriega and Sadaam Hussein.

This list of prominent foreign individuals assassinated by the CIA, published in Covert Action Quarterly in the Fall of 1993, included, but was not limited to:

Jose Antonio Remon, President of Panama (1955)
Achmad Sukarno, President of Indonesia (1950s) (Obama's stepfather was involved in this)
Gamal Abdul Nasser, President of Egypt (1957)
Patrice Lumumba, Prime Minister of the Congo (1961)
Gen. Rafael Trujillo, leader of Dominican Rep. (1961)
Fidel Castro, President of Cuba (at least 9 separate attempts from the 1960s to the 1980s)
Charles de Gaulle, President of France (1965-66)
Pierre Ngendandumwe, Prime Minister of Burundi (1965)
Che Guevarra, socialist freedom fighter (1967)
Gen. Omar Torrijos, leader of Panama (1970s)
Mobuto Sese Seko, Zairian Dictator (1975)
Michael Manley, Prime Minister of Jamaica (1976-79)
Muammar Qaddafi, leader of Libya (1981-87)
It is important to be aware that there is a mountain of evidence available that the CIA has been involved in dirty dealings domestically as well. A few programs worth mentioning at this time are, MK DELTA, COINTELPRO,  and MK ULTRA
**Of course, I will cover all of this in much more detail in another blog.

What Really Happened?

So we know that the CIA was involved in assassinations. We know that they had motive to take Bob Marley out. We also know that he died of Cancer. So was this something that the CIA was capable of pulling off?

Here is a youtube video explaining in detail., that yes, the CIA was capable of doing this. In fact, they were very much involved with creating and testing Cancers in laboratories.

In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism (Part 5)

Here is a well-made documentary that gives a good overview of Bob's life.

Documental Bob Marley Parte 1

Documental Bob Marley Parte 2

Documental Bob Marley Parte 3

Bob Marley Documental Parte 4

Documental Bob Marley Parte 6

Documental Bob Marley Parte 7

Nazi's Murdered Marley?

Curiously, what has been left out of this story, is an accurate telling of the last months of Marley's life.  After having the stroke in Central Park, Marley was referred to a holistic doctor from Germany named Josef Issels.  What Marley did not know was that this man was a former Nazi who had worked with Joasef Mengele at the Auschwitz death camp. 

In his book, Alex Constantine writes that Issels "Holistic" treatments in fact, included starvation and torture:

Marley, unaware of his physician's past, was placed on a regimen of exercise, vaccines (some illegal), ozone injections, vitamin and trace minerals, and other treatments. In time, Dr. Issels also introduced torture. Long needles were plunged through Marley's stomach to the spine. The patient-victim was told that this was part of his "treatment." The torture continued until Marley foundered on the threshold of death. [34]
Cedella Booker, his mother, visited him three times in the course of these "treatments." She found Dr. Issels to be an "arrogant wretch" with the "gruff manners of a bully," who subjected her dying son to a bloodless brand of "hocus-pocus" medicine. Mrs. Booker: "I myself witnessed Issels' rough treatment of Nesta [Marley]. One time I went with Nesta to the clinic, and we settled down in a treatment room.  Issels came in and announced to Nesta, 'I'm going to give you a needle."' Dr. Issels "plunged the needle straight into Nesta's navel right down to the syringe. [Marley] grunted and winced. He could only lie there helplessly, writhing on the table, trying his best to hide his pain. 'Jesus Christ,' I heard myself mumbling." Issels ridiculed the patient for grimacing, yanked out the needle and strolled casually out of the room. Marley was left groaning with pain. "I went and stood at his side and held his hand." [35]
"With every visit," she recalls, "I found him smaller, frailer, thinner. As the months of dying dragged past, the suffering was etched all over his face. He would fall into fits of shaking, when he would lose all control and shiver from head to toe like a coconut leaf in a breeze.  His eyes would turn in his head, rolling in their sockets until even the white jelly was quivering." [36]

Marley's torment was aggravated by forced starvation. "For a whole week sometimes," Booker laments, her son "would be allowed no nourishment other than what he got intravenously. Constantly hungry, even starving, he wasted away to a skeleton. To watch my first-born shrivel up to skin and bone ripped at my mother's heart."  Marley weighed 82 pounds on the day of his death. [37] The starvation diet must have devastated his immune system and rushed his demise.  It also caused him intense pain. "It would drag on so, for one long painful month after the other, and every day would be a knife that death stabbed and twisted anew in an already open, bleeding wound." The agony "wrapped him up like a crushing snake." [38]  Starvation left Marley with a knotted intestine, and Dr. Issels was forced to operate to clear the obstruction.  (Source)

But a very 'telling' conversation took place when Dr. Issels told Bob a story about a German friend who had advised Issels not to treat him, saying that Marley was the most dangerous black man on the planet. A strange (Nazi) acquaintance for an eminent doctor? Not really, Joseph Issels was an officer in the SS, a colleague of Joseph Mengele and had served a jail term for manslaughter. Mengele survived the war and enjoyed the protection and employment of the CIA.

Bob himself sometimes felt the injections he was given were poison, and in bad moments thought they were trying to kill him. When Bob was too ill to continue treatment and Issels sent him home to die, he kissed his teeth bitterly and said softly, "Dr. Issels is a madman." 

Marley died on May 11, 1981.  He was thirty six years old.

His last concert performance in Madison Square garden, he sang, Redemption Song.  In it he asks, "how long shall they kill our prophets while we stand aside and look?"  I believe he knew he was dying and this was his last message to his fans. So many have been killed in the fight for truth: JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Bob Marley, Tupac, Michael Jackson, and too many more to mention.  How much longer are we going to let this happen?  How much longer are we going to lay down like dogs, while 1% of the population bullies us?  Maybe its time to take a cue from Bob:

Get Up Stand Up LIVE


Other Interesting Sites that Came Up During My Research:

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